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Who we are

Proyecto O.R.CA. is a working group with the goal of make awareness about the need for the protection and conservation of this threatened population


Our team is made of volunteers, earning nothing by doing it, joined together by passion for this orca family.


This is the result of keeping track on the population for over a decade through social media, particulars interest in us having such compilation, and our own observations.


We believe in cooperation and that good things happen when people come together so that everyone can share and enjoy valuable information about these orcas.


Paula Moreno

Responsable for research and PhotoID

I am Paula Moreno, Environmental Sciences student in Universidad de Cádiz, I am also a vet nurse specialized in exotic animals.

Especially interested in Ethology.
I have spent my entire life earning about orcas, and for me, more tan a passion, is a way to live. 
I keep track of this population.

I dedicate myself entirely to follow this population as much as I can to collect all data and learn and teach about them at the same time.


Sandra Marín

Responsable de Comunicación 

My name is Sandra Marín

and I am child, youth

and family psychologist in Madrid.

I am also a Specialist in the human-animal bond and a president of “Psicoanimal”, an association, that has been dedicated for 10 years to human and animal welfare.

I have admired cetaceans all my life, especially orcas, whom I consider teachers of life. I am fascinated by their social intelligence, ways of interacting and communicating, which I think is great example for us.

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Laura Levinskaite

Responsible for languages and media 

I am Laura, Lithuanian who came to live in Spain after 10 years spent in London. Studied Biology and Journalism at Vilnius University.
assionate about human-nature interaction and the impact we have on it.
Fell in love with cetaceans after working in the Fin whale project with local organization “Ecolocaliza” in  La línea (Cádiz).
My passion with whales brought me to orcas. For me, the orca is the most fascinating and intelligent animal on the planet, and I am absolutely thrilled to be in this project and contribute to the welfare of Iberian Orca.

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Lidia Villar
Responsible for projects

 My name is Lidia, I studied Environmental Sciences and I am currently a Biology student.

Lover of the ocean and cetaceans since I was a child.
Always learning through my studies, my work and in a self-taught way, through scientific illustration.

Expert in the coordination and execution of social and environmental projects.


Main Collaborators

Manuel Esteve

Marine Biologist

Sebastian lang


Camera operator and certified drone pilot
Fx6 Owner
Ocean activist
Co-founder of @studio.nucleo


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