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Orcas in the Cadiz Culture

©Laura Levinskaite

The killer whale has a strong presence in the culture of the coastal towns of the province of Cádiz.
Its passage through the Strait of Gibraltar and summer stay in the Gulf of Cadiz for millennia has inevitably marked the local population.


"It's part!"


Commonly heard among fishermen to warn of the presence of the animal.
The killer whale is known in the coastal area of Cádiz as "esparte", which comes from Espadarte (sword), in reference to how the immense dorsal of the males cuts the surface of the water like a sword.


Same format as Harassment
The Cave of the orcas, instagram

tuna traps


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The Cave of the Orcas

Work of Mario Morcillo

"The Cave of the Orcas"is found inatlanterra,
Zahara of the Tuna
s (in the province ofCadiz).

It is an artificial cave dating back more than 5,000 years.
Its interior was designed to be totally acoustic, that is, it retains and amplifies sound.

At the bottom of it, there is a protuberance that allows the seat, being able to lie down and have the head "between two walls".
In this position,it is possible to hear any sound coming even from the shore of the beach at the foot of the mountain where the cave is located.

Inside, there are cave paintings that represent scenes of humans and dogs next to boats (implying that it happens on a beach) and large fish (in this case, the Bluefin Tuna)

©Laura Levinskaite

There is also the symbol for "Aries", followed by a series of dots made with the tips of the fingers, in a row, one after another, which stop and continue in another row below, until they end in another symbol, that of " Sagittarius"

©Laura Levinskaite
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